
Showing posts from 2017


Hello, dear friends. Our Italian students are involved in using learningapps to memorize new words. A basic vocabulary helps children  communicate in English about different matters. The lab was organized with the help of The ICT Teacher  Mr. John Marasco and Aida Pappalepore and boys and girls in V grade, s. B and IV grade, s. C "Santa Chiara" Primary School Here's a link for you from LearningApps CLICK AND PLAY It's about SOCCER or Italian football By our boys in IV Grade ..loving football CLICK AND PLAY It's about DAYS OF THE WEEK By Alessandro  P CLICK AND PLAY It's about JOBS CLICK AND PLAY It's about SCHOOL OBJECTS By Alessandro P.

Season's Greetings

Turkey Poland Italy Romania Bulgaria Cyprus Spain

LOGO: Work in progress

Hello, dear friends! Here is a proposal for the logo: In a few days we'll suggest our Italian students to create other logos using Canva. It's a tool to imagine and create  pictures, brochures and posters. warm wishes p. aida pappalepore

Greek Logo proposal

Hello dear Erasmus Partners!  Greece has finished the logo creation phase. Logos created by our tudents can be found here: Our favourite font among the four according to our students' and teachers' vote is the following: Maria

Logos have started to be created

The logo creation process has been initiatted for our project. The students have started to unforld their talent, imagination and creativity to craft our logotype. It has to be brief, minimal, expressive and beautiful. This is not an easy task for our young students, but we are confident that the rsult will be splendid! The creation process will end up by the end of the year. Then in Janyary we have to choose by electronic vote. take a look at what has been created so far  Bulagrian Logos Maria

Off we go!!!

Hello there and welcome to our blog! After the meeting in Greece, teachers and students have started warming up! They try to find out which categoriy of games will choose: traditional games, biard games or digital games? All options apeear attractive! All options lead to challenges! We are anxious to see their endeavours! We would like to see thwm experimenting with new learning methods, to change thinga in their classrooms, to have fun! I wish nice and pleasant work to all of you and get prepared to present your work during our 2nd meeting that will take place in Kubrat, Bulgaria between 13th and 15th of March 2018. Maria

ICT Based Games

ICT Based Games  Dear colleagues,  Dear students, here you can post your proposals about Digital based learning games. You can try to use these free sites to create exercises and share with the Blog audience.

Bulgarian Project Team Meeting
